The Nightingale Türkçe

The King was waiting for them in the great hall. There, a golden table was put for the nightingale to sing on. Now everybody was in the hall. All were in rich clothes and all were waiting for the nightingale, to sing.

The little nightingale sang so beautifully that the great King began to cry. The King was so happy. So he wanted to give golden shoes to the nightingale but the nightingale thanked him and said it wanted nothing.

“ I’ve seen the King cry, I don’t want anything else “ said the nightingale and it sang and sang.

The King loved the bird a lot. He did not want to leave it. “ Please, stay here. I think I can’t live without you anymore. “ said the King, “ You can go to wood once or twice a day. I can let you do this. “

Then the King gave a lot  of  servants to the nightingale. There servants protected the little bird.

In a short time everybody in the city began to talk about the bird. It became very famous all around.

One day a man brought a box to King. The King thought there was a book in it. But when he opened it, he saw something very strange in the box. “ What is this ? “ he asked.

“This is a present for you, sir, it is a nightingale. “  Yes, it was another nightingale. But it was not  a living bird. It was done by a man. It was covered with jewels. It didn’t eat anything or drink anything. It couldn’t walk. It just stood. “ It’s strange, very strange.” thought the King.

“ Let me hear it sing.” said the King. Someone put a key in the nightingale’s body and it began to sing. It sang the same songs many times. Everybody came near it to hear it sing. They were very excited. “ Oh, it is very nice. We don’t need the other nightingale anymore.” they thought.

But the King got rid of the new bird’s singing. He wanted to see his own bird. But where was it? They looked everywhere, but could not  see it.

“ We haven’t found it yet, sir. May be it flew away. “ said one of the servants. “ Why ,” said the King “Why did it fly away? It was quite happy here. I can’t understand why it behaved like this. “

The servants understood that the King would want his own nightingale, so they began to say bad things about it.

“ That  nightingale is not as good as this new one.” they said. “ You can make this nightingale sing whenever you want. It will sing the same songs all the time. It doesn’t sing any other song.”

“ That’s  just what we think.” all the servants said.

Then  people in the city  began to listen to the new nightingale. Everybody was happy expect one. The old fisherman  did not want to listen to the new bird. “ The new nightingale sings very  nicely, but it is not as good as the little nightingale in the wood. This new bird doesn’t make me very happy.”

The new nightingale was  very important to the King. He put it on a table near his bed. A lot  of people came to the palace to  visit the bird. They brought  presents, and these presents were put on the table where the nightingale was.

So it went  the same for a year. The King, his friends, and all the people in the city knew the new nightingale’s song; it always  sang  the same song in the same way. It could never change because it was not a living thing. But the people were happy, they could snow sing with the nightingale. The King himself could sing the song too. The servants said that he sang beautifully.

But one night a very bad  thing happened. A bomb sound was heard. This sound came from the inside of the bird, then something fell out, and the nightingale could not sing anymore.

The King jumped quickly out of his bed, and called for all his servants and found a man who knew how the nightingale was made. This man opened the body  of  the nightingale and looked inside it. He made everything right   again. But he ignored them. “ If this bird sings quite often, it will break down again. It may sing once a year, but not more.”

Everybody was unhappy because the nightingale could now sing just once a year. But one of the King’s friend said, “ The nightingale is as good as ever .” So all the other friends were in the same idea.  “ It’s as good as ever.”

In five years time, the King became very ill. Everybody thought “  The King is not going to live any longer.” So a new king was ready to take the old King’s place at  once.

One day when the King’s friends came into his room, they found the king cold and white in his bed so they thought he died. They went away to see the new king, at  once.

But the King was not dead. A window was open near his bad, and the king could see the beautiful  sky.


     4,5 ve 6.sayfa türkçedir.


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