Thursday , April 18 2024
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            Words used in place of names are called pronouns. They can replace the subject or the object in the sentence, can give meaning to belonging or can express that the subject was influenced by its own work. Pronouns are divided into five as Subject Pronouns, Object Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Reflexive Pronouns.









  • They are used in place of the subject in the sentence. In addition, it is used previously mentioned subjects and therefore, when mentioning the known subjects.
  • I know him.
  • Mike is sick. He will be away fo a few days.
  • She lives in İstanbul.


  • Subjects are also subject when they combine with the It shouldn’t be forgotten that with “and” , “or” , “but” in the sentence, multiple words can create the subject. Therefore, some of these words will not change anything to be pronoun.
  • My friend John and … decided to stay at home instead of going out last night.
  1. I ( true )
  2. me ( false )


  • “One” , “You” , “They” the subject pronouns can be used when it is asked to mention about people in general.
  • One/You cannot learn a foreign language in three months.
  • They say one apple a day prevents cancer.
  • One shouldn’t believe everything that one watches on TV.


  • “One” can be the subject or the object. It can take possessive appendix in the form of “One’s”. The aspect of Reflexive Pronoun is in the form of “oneself”.
  • She talks to one like a professor.
  • One’s family must always come first.
  • One should always give oneself some time to make important decisions.


  • Some objects and abstract concepts can be expressed with “she” pronoun. For example, a abstract concept as a country, ship or love word can take “she” pronoun. But “it” is more common in Modern English.
  • One of the things that made the Titanic so fascinating was that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912.


  • Especially in sentence completion questions, it is brought “they” pronoun to the given part if the institution,foundation, team or group that is mentioned in the previous sentence is.
  • Naturally, the police need to know as much as possible… .
  1. when they deal with actual or suspected criminal activity ( true )
  2. once he takes the case ( false )


  • “It” statement doesn’t only refer to the names of certain things as subject pronoun, we may also use “it” subject pronoun to refer to statements that we call “indefinite” pronouns like “ nothing, anything, everything” .
  • Nothing happened, did it ?
  • Everything is OK, isn’t it ?


  • “It” subject pronoun may also refer to an entire reality, event or situation.
  • Our bags were stolen. It totally ruined our vacation.
  • I did my best to rescue the boy, but it wasn’t enough.
  • It’s so bad; everybody is ill, and the central heating is out of order.


  • We use “it” pronoun that we call “empty subject”; which is only used as structural, doesn’t replace any specific name with statements that refer to time, air, temperature and distances.
  • It’s five o’clock.
  • It’s been raining all day.
  • It’s five kilometers to the nearest police station.
  • It’s Saturday again.
  • It’s twenty degrees.


  • “We” and “You” plural that mean you ( None of the others do ) could be brought directly before nouns.
  • We men know things that you women will never understand.
  • Traditionally, in English when a person’s gender isn’t known or in the submissions that can be interpreted to men and women he is used.
  • If a student wants to apply for the scholarship, he must send his CV first.


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