My name is Ismail. I’m going to tell you the story of my journey I had a few years ago.

When I‘m broke or want something different, I always look for a ship to sail in the sea. I don’t get on a ship where rich people travel and I don’t travel as a cook or a cleaner either. I join the boats as a simple crew member.

I don’t like being ordered about by others. This is a great change to my regular life, as I do not take orders from anyone else. I like giving orders. When the captain tells me to take a brush and clean the floors, I do it. Because I know this is a right thing to do. They pay me for this. And I like the smell of the sea and the fresh air of the wild winds, too.

“This time, I’ll get on a whale boat.” I decided.

Most of the ships hunt for whales in the Ocean. The best place to find a whale hunter ship is Nantucket island on the east coast of America.

When I arrived at New Bedford on Saturday night, the ship going to Nantucket had already started its journey, so I had to stay in Bedford for a night or more.

It was getting darker. I stopped wondering where to spend the night. There was a little money in my pocket. “Ismail, you have to ask the fee for a room.” I thought to myself.

I saw an inn by the sea. The door of it was open. I could hear the voices coming from inside. I opened the door. There was a long table that the seamen drank at. The seamen called that table “Jonah”, because it looked like a jaw of a whale. As it was written in one of the books I read that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

“Have you got a roomfor tonight?” I asked the owner of the inn.

“No.” he said. “We don’t have any vacant rooms.” Then he thought. “Can you share a bed with another man?”

“With whom?” I asked.

“With a seamen who uses a harpoon!”

By the way, let me tell you what a harpoon is.

“OK.” said the man. “If you don’t sleep with him you will have nowhere to stay.”

I thought about the stormy night outside. Then I said; “I have to share a room with this man even if he is a monster.”

“I think so.” said the man. “Sit down. You’d like dinner, wouldn’t you? It will be ready soon.” The inn-keeper brought the men their dinner.

“It is as cold as Zeland.” said one of the men.

“Yes, it is.” said the inn-keeper. “I don’t have money to buy wood.”

I held a tea cup to heat my hands. A pudding made with potatoes, sugar, oil and flour was put on the table. A man with a green coat began to eat fast.

“I’m hungry.” he said.

“If you eat fast, you will have nightmares at night.” said a man.

“Is this the seamen you’ve told me about?” I asked whispering to the inn-keeper.

“Oh, no. He is a negro. He never eats anything sweet. He only eats meat.”

“Where is this man? Is he here?” I asked.

“He’ll be here soon.” said inn-keeper.

I didn’t feel happy to share a bed with a man. I decided that the man should go to bed first. That’s why I had to spend the night listening to seamen’s stories. These men got off the ships which came to the port in the morning. So they brought the recent news. While I was listening to the men, the inn-keeper told me that the man I was going to share the bed with wouldn’t come. He took a candle and showed me my room.

He took me to a small, cold room. It was large enough for four people to stay in.

“Here is your bed! Have a nice sleep.” he said and left me the candle.



Journey  😳 (a holiday or trip)

To be broke 😳  (to have no money, to be bankrupt)

To look for  😳 (to search)

To sail 😳  (to move briskly)

Crew member 😳  (one who is part of a crew, one who is part of a work group)

To order  😳 (to request for some product or service)

To hunt  😳 (to  chase down prey and kill it)

To wonder  😳 (to ponder about something)

Fee 😳  (a payment, charge)

Inn 😳  (any establishment where travellers can procure lodging, food and drink)

Seamen 😳  (plural of seaman, sailor)

A jaw  😳 (chin)

To swallow  😳 (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach)

Vacant 😳  (empty)

Harpoon 😳  (a spearlike weapon with a barbed head used in hunting whales and large fish)

Monster  😳 (a terrifying and dangerous, wild or fictional creature)

Inn-keeper  😳 (a person who runs an inn)

Flour  😳 (powder of other material)

Nightmare 😳 (a very bad or frightening dream)

To whisper  😳 (to act of speaking in a quiet voice)

Negro 😳 (a person with black or dark)

Port 😳 (harbor)

Candle 😳 (a light source consisting of substance such as wax, tallow or paraffin)

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